Friday, July 20, 2012


How on EARTH did I miss the opportunity to tell everyone that I DID reach Onederland?

I was going through my posts and I was looking for when I posted about reaching that SUPER-DOOPER, all important point when one drops below 200 pounds. And to my AMAZEMENT, I found NOTHING! NOTHING!!

I can't find anywhere where I posted that I finally dropped below 200 pounds and my weight now begins with a ONE! Ahhh, Onederland. I reached Onederland on June 17th when I dropped to 197.6. I wasn't in Onederland by much, but it was all I needed. (I've since hit a bit of a plateau and haven't dropped below 197 lbs, but I'm not worried.)

In celebration, I went out with my good friend, Ashly, and pierced my nose. That has a personal history of it's own. I have wanted to pierce my nose for a while, but have always thought my nose would look AWFUL pierced because I've always hated my nose. All that went away when I met my half-sister for the first time a little over a year ago. We looked very similar and shared the same nose. Her nose was pierced and didn't look bad at all. In fact, it suited her quite well. That got me thinking. Perhaps it was all a matter of perspective and my being over-critical of myself. Maybe my nose wasn't so bad after all. So, I got the courage to pierce it, but wanted to make it a reward for hard work. Reaching onederland seemed like the perfect place for that reward. It was between that or a small tattoo, but tattoos cost more and are more permanent. I like tattoos, but I think I'll wait for my goal weight to get my next tattoo.

 Me last summer, before my 40 lb weight loss and nose piercing.

 My half-sister, with her nose pierced. We DO have different facial features, but the nose is the same. See? It looks good on her.

Anyway, so, even though it's not Wednesday, which is my normal posting day, I had to get this posted because onederland is a HUGE milestone in my weight-loss journey. I can't believe I missed my chance to tell you all about it!

Here's to staying under 200 and committing to this new lifestyle of fitness forever after! Good luck everyone and thanks for reading!

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